Legal Insights by Naich Law Firm

Understanding the Adoption Process in Pakistan

Learn about the legal procedure of adoption in Pakistan, governed by the Guardians and Wards Act of 1890, in this comprehensive guide

Understanding the Adoption Process in Pakistan- Naich Law Chamber Advocate Arslan Abid Naich

Adoption is the legal process of becoming a parent to a child who is not biologically related to you. In Pakistan, adoption is governed by the Guardians and Wards Act of 1890. This law outlines the procedures for adoption in the country and provides for the rights of the child, the adoptive parents, and the biological parents.

The first step in the adoption process in Pakistan is to find an adoption agency that is licensed by the government. These agencies provide counseling and support to prospective adoptive parents and assist with the process of finding a suitable child for adoption. They also conduct background checks on the prospective adoptive parents to ensure that the child will be placed in a safe and stable home.

Once a child has been identified, the prospective adoptive parents must submit an application to the relevant court. The court will then conduct an investigation to determine whether the adoption is in the best interests of the child. This includes taking into account the child’s age, health, and any other relevant circumstances.

The court may also order a report from the adoption agency and may require the prospective adoptive parents to attend a hearing. At the hearing, the court will consider any objections that may have been raised by the biological parents or any other interested parties. If the court finds that the adoption is in the best interests of the child, it will issue an adoption order, which is a legally binding document that gives the adoptive parents full parental rights and responsibilities.

It is important to note that in Pakistan, there are no specific provisions for open or closed adoptions. The relationship between the biological parents and the adoptive parents is determined on a case-by-case basis and may be influenced by cultural and religious factors.

It is also important to note that adoption in Pakistan is only possible for Muslim children. Non-Muslim children can only be adopted by non-Muslim parents in accordance with the laws of their own religion. This is in accordance with the provisions of the Guardians and Wards Act, which gives priority to the religious beliefs of the child.

Adoption in Pakistan can be a long and complex process, but it is also a rewarding one for those who are able to provide a loving and stable home to a child in need. The laws and regulations governing adoption in the country are designed to ensure the protection of the child’s rights and welfare, and to provide prospective adoptive parents with the support and guidance they need to complete the process successfully.

In conclusion, adoption is a legal process in Pakistan that provides a means for children who are in need of a loving and stable home to find permanent families. The laws governing adoption in the country are designed to protect the rights of the child, the adoptive parents, and the biological parents, and to ensure that the process is in the best interests of the child. While the adoption process can be complex, it is also a rewarding experience for those who are able to provide a child with a permanent and loving home.

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As a practicing Advocate of the High Court of Sindh, with my office located in Karachi, I specialize in both civil and criminal litigation. I enjoy taking on complex multi-party cases and solving challenging legal issues through persuasive arguments…

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